A backward glance...

Not an exciting photo, but one full of nostalgia for me. This was my grandparents house....we went every Saturday for lunch, we'd pull up on the drive and my grandad would smile a toothless grin from the window as his hand would be reaching into his pocket for his teeth. By the time he'd reached the front door to let us in his gnashers would be in place. There was a wonderful bed of roses in the back garden, my sister and I would collect rose petals and crush them in water, filling beautiful little bottles. We'd daub ourselves with 'rose perfume' until it started to reek as it went off.

There was a drawer filled with dressing up clothes in one of the back bedrooms, all from when my grandma was little. The little Dutch girl costume was my favourite. 

All the family would watch Ken Dodd and the Diddymen, Doctor Who, The Generation Game, The Morecambe and Wise Show, The Two Ronnies (I loved The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town) and other classics. They all start tumbling back into your memory as you start to think about them, the same happened at work today as I was reminiscing about children's programmes with a couple of donors...I think it must mean I'm getting old when I start to look back like this :(

Anyway, the house hasn't changed since they lived there, the same leaded windows, the same driveway, the wall I used to walk up and down on (it seems so small now, yet it felt so big then)...I would love to look inside and see whether it has changed much. 

Oh....you will be glad to know I have ordered the yellow berets and they should arrive tomorrow. I had a quick trip to a couple of charity shops on the way to work to see if I could find a coat, I shall have to keep looking though.

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