Much needed time

Saturday found The Hubby and I home alone.  He has been Shrimping a lot, and it was nice to have some time together.  He had some things he wanted to get accomplished, and I had 3 baby rabbits to deliver in two different directions.  I wanted to help out at Sugar's school, but the timing was off, and I wasn't able to make it happen.  

I got quite a few things done around the house, and also had some reading time in the afternoon.  I spent some time sitting in the lawn, enjoying the day...and of course my pets join me.  Love this shot of Toby taken with my lensbaby.  It is all manual focus, so I'm pretty proud of how crisp I got the focus on this one.  

Had a quiet evening with The Hubby, and finished a book.  Life is good, as always.

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