Almost forgot

I've been taking a photo a day since September of 2009.  I came.......thisssssssssssss close to forgetting to take a photo on Sunday.  It was 11:50something pm....and I was getting ready to walk away from my computer and crash into my bed, when I somehow.....some way......saw my camera on the table, and panicked.  I grabbed it and took a quick shot of my computer screen.  I'd been scrapbook all day, and this was the last page I worked on.  Funny story, wasn't until I edited this photo that I realized that I had made a mistake and used the same photo twice on that page.  I wonder if I would have caught that when I came back to add the writing?  This is why I should stay up so late scrapbooking.  I get tired and make mistakes.  

The Hubby took off shrimping in the afternoon, and I spent the rest of the day "watching" movies I've seen before, while doing my digital scrapbooking.  It was quiet....and nice, but I missed my girl, and found myself feeling melancholy.  Not sure why......just a bit down.  

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