My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu


Tonight was the West Bromwich Harriers 5k race and although I'd have liked an 'action' shot I wasn't going to carry my camera around the bloody hard 2.5 lap course with me.

It was a really good race in the sun, just a bit on the warm side, despite the damn enormous hill and it was good to catch up with some of the guys and girls. Unfortunately it wasn't a 'home' win but we had a Harrier, Gurmal, finishing second. My race was an improvement on my last time and I think I finished somewhere around 20th.

I did actually take a couple of shots of the prize giving but hadn't checked the settings on my camera so they came out a bit on the rubbish side. So today's blip is the view from the start line, well the left hand side of the start line anyway, with the sun starting to set at the end of the race.

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