My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

Colon Cam

Early start this morning for Laura's latest examination procedure, a capsule endoscopy.

It's proper Tomorrow's World stuff this. After loads of weird, nasty bowel prep drinks to wash her out she had to swallow a camera...a tiny little camera in the shape of a pill, a PillCam.
This little miracle of technology uses -according to the rep- magic to be able to tell where exactly in the digestive tract it is. It takes 14 frames per minute in the stomach and somewhere between 4 and 35 frames a second when it detects that it's in the small and large intestines, depending on how fast it's travelling through. We can get live pictures, as it transmits, on the little receiver that Laura can carry around like a hand bag as well as recording the passage of the PillCam for the consultant to look at.
I was predictably fascinated, as were Laura, her consultant, the nurse looking after her, and even the rep that was there. Here's hoping they get some useful information from it.

Unfortunately the Colon 2 PillCam got a bit stuck on the lining of her stomach and this is a view of her stomach leading to the pylorus, the exit into the duodenum. Here's the digestive tract if your Biology's letting you down a bit.

23:18 EDIT: And the PillCam is out...but she didn't save it for me to blip tomorrow...

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