
By katgirl

One Flash Too Many

Exciting day today. I started a part time clinical job so that I can practice veterinary medicine on animals other than our own cats. I love my telemedicine practice and will continue to do it the other 6 days of the week. But it felt good to see "real" cases today.

And James received his new MacBook. Here is Mr Incredible assisting with the unpacking.

I have been battling a sinus infection for over a week. Because I became so ill from antibiotics last month, I am trying to manage it without antibiotics by using Sinus Rinse (not so bad once I got over my fear of drowning myself). A friend suggested making a broth from 1-2 heads of garlic. I am definitely a Western medicine kind of girl, but desperate times call for desperate measures (and I couldn't smell the garlic anyway). I added some chicken broth and rice, and it was rather tasty. But I imagine I smell rather garlicky now and I don't even care.

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