Sieze the day

By Mario

Under Construction

Many thank you's for the well wishes and comments from last night,I am feeling much better today but still not 100 %. This is our House ( If you play Crobie, Stills and Nash. Our House in the Background you have our house). This is the sign on the gate advising visitors and contractors of the Health and safety requirments during the repairs. Our House is a 1920's Bungalo with Double Brick Plastered internal walls. Over the last couple of years we have invested money back into our home or should I say the bank. We Put a new roof on, a new Bathroom with Timber Joinery and stayed with products of the era of our house and built an 80sqrm Garage incorporating 2 Sleepouts one of which is a store room at present. Last but not least its not really our house its our Home a distinct difference.

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