Levin down

I decided to go to Warminster today to see if I could photograph the Marsh fritillary......Well what a mess it all turned out to be! 
I drove down as far as Salisbury without any real problems other than the gridlock on the A303 by Stonehenge, but the A36 to Warminster was closed due to an accident - great! luckily my sat nav took me on another route only to find that was also closed by a separate accident! 
At this point I thought of coming home, but having driven ~90 miles I refused to give up, so I tried to take another route through some little villiages, only to run over a ct that came from nowhere and under my car!! despite the bump, the cat then ran off and into an overgrown garden, without any entrance! I was distraught, as you can imagine and tried to find the cat (with the help of two passers by ), but the hedge was very thick and it was impossible to get inside. In the end I told a neighbor what had happened and where the cat had gone, and the passers by left a message at the local shop.
I felt awful, but there was no blood, and the cat was running..despite the bump...I really am praying it is OK.
After this I just gave up, and this is Levin Down near Charlton photographed on the long drive home.
So 600 miles (3 Visits) and still no shots!! I am NOT giving up, I will return - on Sunday with Mr U & L!!

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