Garden Happenings....

Dear Diary,

Or I could have called this collage, "What doesn't belong?"  I walked around photographing the new blooms, and a favorite dandelion puff ball, and discovered that Gaylord had decided to offer his own contribution to the raised bed garden.  A tiny oak tree is sprouting!  Actually, several were growing here and there, he had been very industrious last fall.

I pulled them out but I left one.  I've decided to nurture it this summer and then plant it on the edge of the field...Gaylord's Tree.  If Auntie can have her tree then Gaylord can have his.

The garden is turning quite purple now.  A lovely time as purple is my favorite color.  Walking around seeing what is blooming is always such a fun part of gardening.  I pull the occasional weed but mainly it is just a looking exercise.

The exhibit opens this afternoon at our historical society so my big job is done.  We do a small exhibit in July at the local fair but that is an easy one.  Now I can really focus on getting the final things done in the garden so it will be ready for the garden tour at the end of the month.

Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.  ~A.A. Milne

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