Bridge to the fortification Peschiera

Peschiera is an old fortress. Venetian-Austrian fortresses lying in a pentagonal shape around the old town of Peschiera del Garda are beautifully preserved. The ramparts are partially treatable. So you have from the eastern ramparts offers stunning views of the Canale with the many boats and terraces.

The perimeter wall has a total length of over two kilometers and has two original entrances. One is located on the on the north side and is used by the traffic to drive through Peschiera del Garda. A second entrance is on the south side and is reserved for pedestrians. This gate is reached via a long bridge.

The fortifications were built in the sixteenth century by the Venetians. They rented this in the architect Michele Sanmichele. The forts were later reinforced in phases. Thus Napoleon managed to strengthen this strategically convenient point and then have the Austrians added the latest improvements.


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