The Cloud

The Boss says that this is not “The” cloud but it was the cloud that grabbed his attention tonight.
I think that “The” cloud is all white, fluffy and full of promise which is good ‘Cos it is also full of a lot of The Boss’s and the Bossess’s stuff.

One of the features of Vivid this year has been a great series of presenters who have talked about change and nothing has changed computing like the cloud. Modern laptops and ipads don’t come with CD or DVD drives anymore ‘Cos you get it “from the cloud”. At the other end of the scale The Boss actually owns (somewhere) a Morse Key. Think on that!
He actually used it too.

The terrible weather has gone and it was back to sunshine for most of today with the promise of better tomorrow.
Pawscript...There are a lot of great folk out there who give me stars and nice stuff but don't actually comment.
I want you to know that YES I do notice but when you are away from home it is not always possible to have heaps of Blip time so to all my unsung followers THANK YOU and a 1KG block of NZ's finest.

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