The Falls of The Charles Darwin Trail

The Boss says that this is all the fault of a Wombat. A Walking one.
I (a small stuffed dog) kno nothing about Wombats but would have though, that they would have all walked or they would have had problems getting to the supermarket for Wombat specials. Maybe they fly? Wow that sounds scary.

Ok Ok Ok Well The Boss has a HUGE apology to make.

He never thought that bush walking in Aus would be as good as NZ.
Sorry Sorry Sorry.

This is The Wentworth Falls BUT there are another 4 images which were made on the way there in the extra bin tonight.

It took 16394 steps (his not mine) he climbed 30 floors and travelled 10 Km 
and he just had enough energy left to stagger into Woolies for some breakie stuff on the way bark but may well seek a cooked one instead. Stay tuned.

Oh and the last word goes to The afore mentioned Wombat.


He hasn't had so much fun since The Bossess gave him a special bit of hardware (censored) for his birthday.

(Well before my time)

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