Ausi Sunset

You just don’t get these at home, The Boss said, and maybe it’s got something to do with the air or all the land that is there in behind but sunsets are really special here.
 We had a bit of a treat today as we were walking past the Apple Store in George St, asyoudo, and noticed a bunch of chairs all laid out and a sign about an interview thingie with the folk that made the movie that The Boss is going to see tonight as part of the film festival that is going on here too.

The movie is
“Last Cab to Darwin” 
and apparently was a very successful stage show for some time before being made into a movie.
The Boss has seen a trailer and after attending the interview he is really keen as it was revealed that the Cab was actually driven with all the cameras in it, live, all the way to Darwin by the principal actor.  
Warning…The subject matter is a tad controversial but also intensely topical at this time in society. 
Spoiler…Dogs don't have to struggle with this issue especially small stuffed ones. 


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