Mostly Cloudy...Light Winds

Not much wether wise (not sure if wethers are wise anyway) today. It rained a goodly part of the day and The Boss decided to have a drive south to check up on a store that advised him on the phone that they had heaps which turned into holes when we arrived. Classic case of if you want to kno something don’t ask the chief. PLEASE note that care was taken here to not say “The Boss” ‘Cos that may have caused a hole in grub supplies. You never kno who is listening or reading……
AND that also caused some fun when The luvely “S” of the grooming place in Wednesdays Blip, who wasn’t even there at the time was accosted in the local supermarket and asked what had happened to his parrot. He was of course completely baffled until it was explained that a certain dog had been barking it’s head off. This all took place in a carpark in Cromwell this morning when The Boss said hullo to him and his dog and his mates dog. I was ignored in Suzz which was probably OK as both dogs were bigger and fluffier than ME. So in this case The Boss took the flack. Heh heh heh
Even on bad days the views can be good.
Oh and apologies for the 2 step link yesterday but It seems that Blip won’t allow a link to YouTube anymore so hence the 2 step. Hope that was OK?
AND The Boss has now discovered a TV series called “The Fall” (Canny Scot please note) which he started last night and by the end of the first episode I wanted to go to bed with the light left on…Thankyou…. Yap The Bossess is away…You guessed?

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