Snakes and Ladders

Well I guess it was inevitable after such a good day to go down the slide today. I thought there had been improvement with Snowdrop but after a bathe I realised there was not so took her to the vet - I did not return with her. I just hate losing one of the girls and prolapse is just the worst because in every other respect the hen is happy and healthy, Snowdrop continued to eat with gusto and lay  eggs, which actually wasn't helping as a stitch to try and keep the prolapse in could not be done as she would strain to lay and burst out -  I hope the cream lessened any discomfort she had from her back end. It's even worse when you have nursed them at home for days and still they don't make it and I have grown ever more attached to them. The only bit of relief at the vets was to see 4 puppies of a West Highland White miniature dachshund cross - the mum was the westie so that must have been interesting!
So home in the sweltering heat to discover a young rook in my back garden hopping around on the ground and obviously unable to fly out in the confined space. Hearing and seeing me it ran into the corner where there is a big half barrel of bamboo, everlasting sweet peas and other pots with huge shrubs. I went inside and then heard mum calling to it and it replying. Mum was totally confused as she could hear but not locate it, and flew from one roof to another and hopped up and down the roof in an effort to locate  her offspring. I tried clearing the area and moved Polly's wooden ramp to angle up to the blue wooden sweetpea obelisk so the youngster could climb up and fly from the top - that was my thought anyway! I never did see it escape but on watering with a hosepipe vigorously in that area  and hearing no movement  no sign of mum I hoped they were reunited.
I intended to water my allotment but it just never seemed to get cool and I  was already coming up in a heat rash - I would get an itch, rub the area and whoosh! major rash would appear! So I made myself butterbean and green lentil burgers and finished my book instead. Watering can wait till tomorrow morning.
I wasn't in the mood for taking photos and just glimpsed this from an upstairs window in the evening and liked the color of the clematis against the tarmac - and it's all I took! 

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