Halfway There ...

The living room and kitchen have been emptied out, and everything tossed in the dumpster.  Now I have to tackle the (filthy) bathroom, the cram-jammed hallway closet, and the bedroom.  Hopefully I will be finished by the weekend. 

I got really annoyed this morning.  We had some workmen come to put up some gutters on our house, and when I took Mabel out for a walk, I discovered them in the dumpster, pawing through everything in there.  It wasn't that I wanted to keep anything, but I did think it very rude of them to just rifle through the junk without asking permission first!  I was also cross because we had taken pains to stack things carefully to get maximum use out of the space available, and after they'd poked and prodded and heaved things around, I had to rearrange everything again.

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