
I've never smoked and I don't like it at all, but I find these ecigarettes more offensive. They smell awful and I hate to hear them clacking against teeth as people suck on them....urrgh! When I worked in the teashop last year a customer had been smoking one in the garden and then left it behind when they went. I just threw it in the bin as I found it disgusting. When they came  back that afternoon everyone was searching for it with them and it was only when they left I confessed to chucking it away....Pat wasn't bothered as she hated smoking too. Anyway, that's only my opinion......

It has been another hot sticky day and I was so relieved to jump in the shower when I arrived home. One more day to go.....

I'm going on a bird of prey photographic day this weekend and I'm toying with hiring a telephoto lens for the day. (The Canon EF 100-400 F4.5 super telephoto) Has anyone got this lens? What do you think of it? Thanks......

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