White-breasted Nuthatch (double!)

Back to Mt. Holyoke today--more bird species around. This nuthatch (near the summit) was relatively close, and hung around, though moving incessantly.  These two images were three seconds apart, according to the camera's metadata. I couldn't resist putting them together--I especially like the precise dorsal view :)

I again also hung out at the cerulean warbler's nest.  For the first time we saw four nestlings (captured only in a somewhat blurred image, posted as the extra). Four is in fact the most common clutch size (number of eggs laid). (For other cerulean images see the last two days.)

Gordie Howe, the great hockey player, has just died. I grew up in Boston, and I remember vividly seeing him score a beautiful goal against the Bruins. Gliding in on the right wing, he flicked his wrist from perhaps 30 feet (10 meters) out, and the back of the net bulged.

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