What's black and white and red all over?

This onion.  Ba-doom-tish.

We had such a useful day today - especially Tim.  He stripped and insulated a panel in our bathroom.  Putting it like that makes it sound like not much at all, but it was actually a pretty big job and took most of the day.  Meanwhile, I carried on scrubbing our kitchen cupboards, and cleaning the rest of the kitchen.  Also researched new cookers, as that's going to be one of the first things we change in the kitchen, once we've got the electrician in.  Cleaned the bathroom, too, after Tim had finished working in there.

We also managed to watch a fair bit of football today - I was pretty pleased that my sweepstake team (Wales) actually managed to win their first match - and unsurprised that England allowed Russia to equalise in the last couple of minutes of their game.  Same old England!

Anyway, here's my final photo of the 'soul colour photo challenge.'  If you fancy a little four-day challenge yourself, you just need to take a blue themed photo on day 1, a red one on day 2, a yellow one on day 3, and black and white on day 4.  I recommend it - it's definitely made me look at things differently, and it's been nice having a goal in mind when going out with my camera.  Let me know if you take up the challenge!

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