Where is it.............?

I know it's around here somewhere. We have so much going on at the minute and other things on our minds but give me a couple of weeks and all will be back to 'normal'. I've even stopped carrying my camera around with me!

I am so looking forward to the Olympics. Tonight's opening ceremony sounds like it will be amazing. I think even the miserable buggers anti Olympics brigade cant help to be caught up in all the good feeling.

It reminds me of when I was a little girl and I used to love watching the sports with my Grandad - the Olympics being one of his favourites. For me, I love the athletics (I used to run for my county), the swimming (ditto, swam for the county once), synchronised swimming (only on holiday doing handstands for me), diving (just amazing what they do) and the gymnastics (How can they be so bendy!).

I love Fridays as I get to finish early - it's a bit cooler today but the sun is still shining so I will take my book in the garden :) We are off to the pub with friends for a meal tonight but the opening ceremony will be recorded. Tomorrow my mum is visiting for a few days so no doubt she will want entertaining too :)

Happy weekend folks :)

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