Vintage smiles

They're 30 and almost 29 now :-) We're in Holland and our house there is the house that belonged to my late parents-in-law. It's still full of their possessions, and there are lots of memories. Some make me feel sad, but this corner of the wall frame does make me smile, seeing the picture of the boys as toddlers and my grandmother's ceramic bouquet. When she had died and it was up to me to clear my grandmother's apartment I gave this to my mother-in-law and I still recall her joy because she liked it so much. One of the tasks waiting for us when we'll have moved back to Holland and start the renovations of this house is sorting what is in the house because obviously we can't hang on to all the furniture and memorabilia forever. Can't say that I'm looking forward to that particular task, but to try and make it our own home will be fun, I'm sure.

For Mono Monday with the theme "What makes you smile" set by our host RedFlash with thanks to her. And thank you very much for your comments and stars on yesterday's festive Blip :-)

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