MonoMonday #125 .....

 ....... ''What Makes Me Smile'' ......

Who else could it be but Mister Whisper ...... after we lost our beautiful Shadow Dancer late last year, this little guy has put the smile back on our faces with his antics and funny ways .... 

That's not to say he doesn't have his "little sh*t" moments - the main pain being trying to bite our feet as we walk in the garden - it actually hurts but he thinks it's all a game!!  
Oh... and he's a food thief - can't leave anything edible out within leg and nose stretching distance or it's gone in a flash.

He IS very funny though ......... thank you, Whisper, for bringing some joy back into our lives after a horrible 2015.

To see my choices for FlowerFriday10 please take a look here.

Thank you everyone for your support in the challenge, for all the comments, stars and hearts this week and for your good wishes for my speedy recovery - I fear it will not be speedy but I have a "Tigger" outlook rather than an "Eeyore" one.   :o))

Thank you to RedFlash for hosting and giving us this happy subject today.

~ Anni ~

Note:   The FlowerFriday17 "twist"  on Friday will be ....... THREE

Please interpret the twist however you wish or just stick with beautiful flowers.

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