Friends And Foes

All the animals are now - finally - out for summer around here. Except for the horses, who haven't yet moved into the enormous new equestrian centre in the outskirts of the nature preserve. Suits me fine. But mum says they will soon be here, like it or not.

Anyway. We went to check on cattle and sheep, who are the ones grazing our walkies areas and keeping the landscape open. Thanks guys! First, I had a silent stare-out competition for a very long time with a bull calf. Mum was grateful for my lead and the electrical fence....

Then we went to say hi to my sheep. My sheep are the flock with no lambs and two gray sheep. Last year, there was even a multicoloured one. They were all standing on the path, waiting for us not doubt. We let them go on their way before we continued. We like sheep, so it feels good to have said a proper hello. This is not a great shot, but at least we are all in it!

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