Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Flossie the chipmunk now makes regular forays from the hillside to our patio/deck, looking for peanuts which she takes from our hands.  She usually takes the whole peanuts back to her burrow, but today she ran under a day lily to eat one and then proceeded to clean up her face afterwards.  So stinkin' cute when they do this!  It's not a great photo as I had to lighten the heck out of it, but it was my favorite of the day.

I posted three other shots on Flickr, starting HERE with a tiny orbweaver

I actually hoped to get shots of one of the adult downy woodpeckers feeding kids, but the light wasn't in my favor so I'll give it a go when I am back from FL.  Oh, didn't I mention that?  I'm off to Orlando tomorrow where Sefferdog is picking me up at the airport.  He and Mrs Sefferdog have kindly offered to let me stay with them, for the next few days.  We've got some fun photo excursions planned if the weather cooperates.  Heck, even if it doesn't cooperate, I'm sure we'll have a blast.  

Bluebirds are still coming around a few times a day and this afternoon one of the juveniles flew down to our deck and fluttered around before heading up into a tree.  The wren nestlings are making a racket in their box by the driveway so I suspect they may be getting pretty close to fledging.  I've never been able to see in the box to get a count but it sounds like a full brood.  Meanwhile, the second male wren seems to have lost his lady wren and is back to singing non-stop all day.  Poor little guy.  

Thank you for all the love on my Tiny bee yesterday!  


Oh, and I nearly forgot - YardBird #42 flew over the house today ... a bald eagle!  A heavily cropped image in Extra.

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