The Princess Adventures

By emilyy

Day 3

Day 3, this place is amazing...
The food, the people, the scenery, the weather (most of the time).
The starry sky on a night is just phenomenal it's probably one of the most beautiful that I have ever seen I just keep thinking I wish Danni could see this because I know she shares my appreciation of star gazing haha.
The food is possibly the best I have ever tasted.. The chef is quite possibly a god. So much for losing some weight over the summer I think I'll be needing two seats on the plane home - little miss piggy. I actually dream of the waffles and syrup. Maybe this is the reason I've been getting up at 7am, which is unheard of, anyone who knows me at all knows I'm not a morning person I've been known to sleep through many alarms, texts and phone calls, food is clearly the way to my heart.
The people I have had the pleasure of meeting and spending my time with are some of the most lovely kind and caring people I have met into life, and to be surrounded by such genuine people creates such an amazing uplifting atmosphere.
The weather today has been beautiful the sun shining bright lovely and warm, which looks magnificent on the late, the whole place sort of glows. The nights are chilly and you need to wrap up warm, I have to say I'm missing my lovely thick duvet and double bed. My eye mask is probably my favourite item I've brought I wake up feeling so much more rested without the lights waking me up.
The days seem to be going by so fast, it's only been a couple of days but I feel like I've known everyone forever, it's so lovely to just feel so settled straight away.
Every day is such a new exciting adventure and I feel so lucky to be a part of it all.

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