Thanks to youoregon1 for hosting the Abstract Thursday challenge, soon it has been a year ago that he started this fabulous challenge. I saw I entered week 9 and enjoyed all the Thursdays that followed.

A rather dark day again, with islands of sunshine. I worked in the garden in the morning, mainly collecting cut leaves and branches.
After lunch the weather was good enough to go for a short walk. We walked along the Weser till we reached the sheep. No one to see outside their hut, but we heard their hoofs against the wood and when Piet Hein whistled they all came out. Surprising how many sheep can stay close in this small hut, Our young black sheep loved to get a ration of fresh grass,(always greener at the other side of the fence).
Then we returned, drank our tea. I sat on the balcony and read for a while.

My abstract shows a detail of a picture of raindrops on a stone. I cropped a lot and gave it a more exiting colour and turned it vertically for more rhythm.

My haiku:

Fresh drops keep falling
Twinkling as they lay waiting
To dry and disappear

And the proverb:

The stone that lies not in your gate breaks not your toes.

1721  Kelly, 308.

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