
By Cari

queen anne's lace

Whew! TGIF! What a week. Glad it's the weekend. Got tons to do...some fun like massages booked for tomorrow morning then heading to the county fair in the afternoon. The highlight will be meeting jerispics!!! She is down here with her family to enjoy the fair. I am looking forward to meeting another fellow blipper!! :) then I have to get back to the store to close it down. My Saturday thing....

Not so fun??? cleaning the house. ugh. It is way overdue so I plan on taking a good part of Sunday getting it all cleaned up. Heavy duty stuff like floor scrubbing, getting spider webs off the outside that seemed to have materialized out of nowhere, wash the windows inside and out..you know...fun! I am itching to start painting and get some decorating done.

Had a good day at the store. Nice after a few slower ones.

Day 2 of eating better and so far so good! Feels good to be focusing on eating healthy. After a few days the sugar and starch cravings will pass and it will be easier to be good :)

I was pretty busy so didn't have much chance to get out with my camera. Watched the sun setting and decided to drive to some favorite spots hoping for some color. Not to be had. I shot these queen anne's lace into the just setting sun then edited the heck out of it :) sometimes we gots to do what we gots to do :)

All in all a nice day
Hope everyone had a nice week!

Happy Friday

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