Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Eating Birdseed

I had been trying to capture one of these tiny chipmunks all week but they were too fast and skittish.  Last night when I took the bird feeder down I must have spilled some seeds on the ground.  This morning I found this little guy more interested in eating than running away from me.  This is the last shot from our trip.  After this we took our time cleaning up the campsite and getting everything secured in the trailer for the trip home.  We left around noon and got home at 3 - the hottest part of the day.  It was 95 F outside and almost that hot in our house which has been shut up for 10 days.  We're still trying to get it cooled down enough to sleep.  We've been spoiled by the much cooler mountain weather!

Thanks to everyone who commented and left stars and hearts for my vacation blips!  I will start to catch up with your journals tomorrow.  :-)

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