Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Pink Peonies

I bought these peonies two weeks ago, and they are still looking fabulous. At first they would not open, but EmmaDavies gave me the tip to wash the closed buds gently under the tap as the supplier sometimes sprays them with something to keep them closed, thereby making them last longer. They certainly have lasted well and even have a lovely perfume. This is for the Flower Friday challenge, with the theme of 'Three'.

Adam has enjoyed his first May Week of post exam balls at university (yes, I know it is actually June, its just another quirky tradition) and he is packing up and coming home tomorrow. I cannot believe his first year is over already. Luke is also packing up and Gavin is fetching him on Sunday - this past year has flown by. Thomas is currently busy with end of year exams and then will be very busy with all the music rehearsals for all the end of term concerts - he only has 2 more weeks of school left.

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