Out on the water

I was restless from the get-go today.
I tried a bit of this and a little of that but couldn't really settle to anything. One of the (admittedly few) pitfalls of working from home.
Eventually I decided it was too nice to simply fritter away the time, so I headed out. A while ago a mountain day would have been the only choice, but now pooch is old that's not always fair or even possible.
Instead I strapped the kayak to the roof and headed back to Derwentwater. Pooch had a lovely walk along the shore, and then a lie in the back of the car with the windows open (in the shade) under the helpful eye of the national trust warden. I went paddling.
Out in the middle of the Lake it was lovely and calm, the water really warm. The distant hills were layered shades of green and blue. The only word for it would be peaceful.
***Bee update - thanks to the wonderful advice and assistance of one Jerra of this parish we found we had what beekeepers call a cast, not a swarm. There was no queen, and unfortunately it means the bees have slowly died or disappeared. I caught as many as I could and let them out, though they probably came back in. Only got stung once! Tonight there are non left.

Philosophy Friday
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt.
Helen Keller.

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