Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, whether you are a dad yourself or you have a dad that you are celebrating with.

Gavin left Durham early this morning with a very full car and a very tired son (Luke had been celebrating Hatfield* day all of Saturday) and managed to get home by lunch time. I had just finished all the washing and ironing of Adam's stuff from the day before and had managed to find a place to pack all his things away for the summer, just in time for the next onslaught of all Luke's stuff which had to be unpacked and a place found to store it! Aargh, I hate this part of end of term.

We went out to a local restaurant for Father's Day lunch which was very good. Today I am thinking about my own father who died 50 years ago when I was only 3 years old, so I never knew him. He left a 30 year old widow with three children which was not easy.

Gavin enjoyed his Father's Day celebrations but is now outside washing he does every Sunday, despite what the Father's Days cards say about putting one's feet up!

* Hatfield is Luke's college at university

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