
By ramblingrose


As today is Fathers Day, I am remembering my Dad, as, indeed we all will be this day. I thought that I would share this memory with you.
My Dad was a Professional Pianist. During the war, he entertained the troops in ENSA ( Entertainments National Service Association). He also played the piano with Winifred Atwell. He accompanied Vera Lynn (now Dame).He accompanied various Artists during his earlier years. My dad also played the piano in the feature film "Please Sir" with John Alderton etc. He was a member of The Musicians Union. His whole world was playing the piano. In later years, when my Dad was in a Nursing home, after getting Meningitis and severe Septicaemia, he just sat in the chair, with the other people, not really interested in anything!. One day, my Brother and I wheeled him into the lounge of the home, and sat him at the piano. At first, Dad just sat there. Then all of a sudden, he began playing it, as if he had never stopped! The look of joy on our faces must have been incredible! The staff were mesmerized also! He had never taken any interest in anything before this!. My Dad died soon afterwards. But at least we knew that he played the piano one last time.
The picture on the left is him playing the piano (before he became ill)
The other picture is when I was young with him.
Thank you so much for following me. I hope you have all had a really wonderful day. Take good care of yourselves.
Theresa x

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