Cabbage Butterfly

We had a really fun time at the birthday party last eve., and this morning I took Tom out to breakfast for Fathers Day.  We sent messages to both our son-in-laws to enjoy their special day, both of whom called to offer Tom the same!  Then we headed over to the beach where I strolled around taking pictures for a bit. Lots of white cabbage butterflies flitting about, and I saw 2 groups of baby ducks with their respective mothers--one had 4 babies that were still really little & the other had 7, who looked like they were 3/4's of their full grown size! The weather is fantastic, as it has been all week--around 80 degrees and sunny! This is when I most love living so close to the Lake, as it's rare that we don't get a wonderful breeze coming through the house, which makes the temperature so comfortable, & there's no need to turn on the air conditioning! Hope you all have a great Sunday, and I wish all the dads, grandpas, and father-figures out there a very happy Fathers Day, as you all deserve it! :))

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