Monty's Folly

With the completion of a DIY task in the studio, it was time to catch up on an on-line course I am doing and to turn my attention to the garden once more.  It has been on a care&maintenance status for the past couple of weeks.

The nation's gardener, Monty Don, has been stirring things up.  That is what he does ever since advising folk NOT to buy bedding plants just yet on one particularly cold and wet spring.  It had a devastating effect on plant sales.

This time he has gone for Begonias.  He doesn't like them.  Worse, he revealed on national television that he doesn't like them.  I was watching at the time and thought it was an unnecessary confession which would have consequences.  For every plant group there is an eminent society and hundreds if not thousands of devotees to that group.  Not to say lots of begonia plants in garden centres and nurseries throughout the land.  

He may have to revise his view before it gets too ugly.

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