Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Don't Mess With Mama!

After sleeping over 9 hours last night, I was moving slowing this morning so decided to just sit quietly on the deck, tea in one hand and camera in the other.  And, since I was going to be there to guard against bears, I put a suet feeder out for the birds.  It was a steady stream of blue jays, woodpeckers, catbirds and titmice - delightful.  But the undisputed kings/queens of the feeders are the red-bellied woodpeckers and when they are feeding young as they are now, they don't brook any nonsense from anyone.  This is one of the females telling a blue jay who was too close to "back the hell off, dude!"  I don't think you need to know anything at all about birds to read the body language here!

Had to take a nap this afternoon - having a bit of fatigue today which is not unexpected after all the excitement and activity of the past 3 days in FL.  I used to never take naps, but after brain surgery 8 years ago, I've learned that sometimes a nap is exactly what I need!  

I've managed to sort through the first day's photos from my FL trip and have posted 10 of my favorite shots on Flickr starting HERE (herons, egrets, gators, spoonies).

Thanks for the love on my wee spider.  There was a time not so long ago that even a spider that tiny would have struck fear into my heart - interesting what photography does to us, eh?



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