The Shortest Day

I went out first thing this morning to capture a beautiful sunrise.  But no - just grey, grey, grey.  After a lovely cuppa and chat with my church friends, I headed off to get a nice colourful blip, but it wasn't to be, the skies were grey and dull.  I thought I would get a pretty sunset, but as it is raining in the mountains that didn't happen either.  All I got for my trouble today was to be bitten alive by lots of sandflies down by the lake!!

The gutter man came to clear the larch needles from my gutters, pleased about that.
The mountains in this photo are the Buchanan Peaks and The Peninsula.

Today is the shortest day down under, so hopefully things will be looking up as the days grow longer.  We need lots of snow for the ski fields, and much colder weather.  It was +14C this afternoon.

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