Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Bear necessity

Mr K gave a brilliant update on our new software installation to the whole staff group at our fortnightly team briefing today. It earned an unprecedented round of applause and got a lively debate going. There is an iconic bear who is part of the process, and we have a few in stock (along with the t shirts, pens etc) and if you are up for it you might be given one. We decided that anyone who goes on holiday has to take him along and send us photos of said Bear in unusual places. And possibly positions. Okay I go too far... Point is we worked hard and had fun today.

Hard work and fun in the workplace is the theme of of the audiobook I am listening to at the moment, written and narrated by the head of people management at Google (Laslo Bock). Basically the themes are empowering people and creating a vibrant atmosphere. I am that man, with added chocolate. Okay maybe not when I am falling asleep at my desk, but on a good day.

Thing about Laslo is he fled Romania as a boy with his parents and went to America to escape Nicolas Caucescu's police state. You know, he was ... an immigrant. Yes that Brexit despised species who just happened to enrich the country that took him in and rewarded it with making one of the world's most successful companies. Not as the Leave lot would have you believe both a scrounger and a thief of other people's work. An asset ...

I bared my soul at work today and got some TLC and very helpful advice from a colleague who has made me optimistic about my health for the first time in months. Which is good for me and good for TSM who has had to bear the brunt of it in the last few weeks. We had a very sweet exchange of emails that involved movies quotes, much love and a tear or two on my part.

The Girl Racer posted a lot of bear pictures today only hers were the real, very large, black variety that hang out where she lives in Western Canada. Not to be taken lightly; in fact it is a necessity to keep well away from them and not leave your jam sandwiches on the patio. 

So as we're talking about bears .... Tomorrow is the chance to lay the bear faced lies to rest and vote Remain. It is, so's to speak, a Bear Necessity ...

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