Feeling Fiesty

Monday, I worked.....long hours.  I guess I lost track of time, and suddenly it was 7:15 pm....and I'd been there since 8am.  So....I think I'll work four tens and take Friday off.  :)  well....I won't need to all tens, as I worked 11 today.  

I got home to find The Hubby building a metal ladder with a friend.  They were have quite a good time together.  They don't see each other much...so they were happy to have time together.  I skyped with The Sugar, and she was having a bit rough time. She was having an emotional day, and had a nightmare Sunday night.  Her first REAL nightmare where you wake up in a panic.  Poor girl.  Wish I had been there for her, but Grandma did a good job.  

One of Sugar's friend joined her at the farm in the late afternoon.  They are set to have some fun days together.  I'm excited for them.

I took this shot of Buck in the evening light, as he threw a fit because he couldn't get to the bush he wanted to eat.  He is a stinker these days.

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