By AMK49

Chugging along!

Today we had to leave our lovely hillside villa in Nissaki but before we left the area we popped down to see Agatha at the taverna by the sea. We sat at our favourite table where we used to watch teenage son 3 learning to water ski ( now a dad in Texas) and this little boat passed by reminding me that on our first visit almost 20 years ago we rented one the same and sailed along to Agni Bay where we almost crash landed on the wooden jetty!

We have now moved to Corfu Town and are spending the last 2 days in a lovely hotel by the water - for some reason we have been upgraded at no charge to a luxury suite on the top floor with a surrounding balcony ( the best room in the hotel according to the lovely smiling receptionist who asked if we liked it). It has spectacular views so our one week trip down memory lane is ending in style!
( extra shows the fort which is not far from the hotel.)

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