
By mef13

Sad End

What a sorry sight. I came across this burned out Mercedes on the way home this evening.
No matter how it happened, any car fire can be devastating and during the course of my working life I have seen quite a few cars which have come to a sad end in this way.
There can be many reasons for cars catching fire, and I have no idea how this one met its fate. But the result is total destruction.
Earlier in the day I was aware of police activity at this spot in the village, but it was not until I drove past some time later, that the reason for their presence became clear.
It was heartbreaking enough when I suffered a relatively minor bump in my own car a couple of years back, and the insurance assessor subsequently reported that minor bump had damaged the air-conditioning unit which sat behind the radiator, with the result that the car was deemed a write-off.

But to have something like this happen to your car, whatever the cause, must be painful beyond belief.

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