Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Green on Green

First eastern pondhawk I've seen in our yard this summer although based on well this one blends in, they could be all over the place and I'd just not see them.  Truthfully, if this gal hadn't flown in front of me while I was trying to photograph one of my nemesis insects (the long-legged flies) I would never have known she was there.  These medium sized dragons are common throughout the eastern US and have a long flight season.  And, I'm guessing on the gender because young males are also green and this is a freshly emerged dragon so it could be either gender..  As the males age, they turn a lovely shade of blue with greenish eyes.

More woodpecker madness in the yard with youngsters chattering and flying around like out-of-control missiles.  Quite comical to watch them.  The larger red-bellied woodpeckers are definitely feeding fledglings up in the trees so hopefully I'll get a good look at the youngsters soon.  Ditto the blue jays.  

At the end of the day yesterday, Madame still hadn't laid an egg in the bluebird box so I very reluctantly took the wren guard off.  This morning, egg number 3 appeared.  I will probably try to put the guard back on tomorrow - the wren situation is just too dicey to take chances.  Incidentally, it is only House Wrens that are a problem; no other wren species (at least that I know of) evicts nest box tenants.  House wrens typically build a bunch of "dummy nests" in part to give the female options and in part to ensure that other birds don't nest in their territory, thus reducing resources needed for their own young.  You can't really blame them, of course, but they can be a menace.  And being native birds, it is illegal to remove their nests; however, it is perfectly okay to remove the dummy nests filled with sticks.  In fact, this is a good way to keep them busy and, hopefully, away from other occupied boxes.  So, now I am removing the sticks from several incomplete nests every morning.  Oy, what one does for the wild critters!

Off to have lunch with a friend today - will be good to catch up.  Then, tomorrow Hubs and I are having dinner with one of my three "besties" which will be great fun.  She just returned from a trip to Alaska, so there are stories to be told!

Meanwhile, I am shocked by the outcome of the elections yesterday in the UK.  I don't profess to know all points of each side, but it seems to be that leaving isn't in the best interest of ... anyone.  It seems like the "thing" to do in politics today is to play on people's fears and biases which is sad and shameful.


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