Food truck

No, I did not eat at it. I was at the grocery store to get some snacks before work because it was an exceptionally lazy day. Well, not so lazy. I had a phone interview for a job. The pay's not much better than I make now, and the commute is significantly farther, so that's not gonna work.

Anyway, I got some snacks because I realized as I headed to work that I hadn't eaten breakfast and/or lunch. A disadvantage to starting work at 3 p.m. And I will continue to do so until I find better work.

I've got a job interview on Monday with a viral-video website. We'll see how that goes. I interviewed for a different position at that site last week, but the pay was about $12,000 less than I make now and the shift is the same hours. But someone on the day side put in their notice, and they said they might be able to pay me what I want. So here I go again.

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