Gone West

Dismayed and dispirited by yesterday's result, and by the fact that a xenophobic campaign based upon the premise that "Johnny Foreigner" is to blame for the ills of this country and that the cure is to cut ourselves off from the rest of Europe, regardless of the economic consequences, has appealed to so many people.

Not sure whether to be heartened by the thought that 48% of the country saw things differently or worried by the fact that the result suggests a massive divide in the population.

Already politicians in Scotland & N Ireland are raising the spectre of the end of the U.K. and the major political parties here seem likely to indulge in a bout of infighting.

As for the likelihood of a triumvirate of Johnson, Gove and Farage in power, the prospect makes me shudder.

At least I can look forward to an indeterminate period of financial uncertainty buoyed by the knowledge that I am now free to enjoy fruit and vegetables of any peculiar shape I fancy!

Ironically, when I was in the newsagents' this morning the chap in front of me asked for "a lucky dip for the Euro for Friday"!

At least I've been cheered up by Sophie's company today. She's staying the night as Kate and her colleagues in the English Dept of her school are attending a Times Educational Supplement awards ceremony in London, being up for an award for their achievements as a department.

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