If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

A Little Tyke!

I awoke to the devastating news that the referendum had been lost.  I can't believe the population of the UK (I can't bring myself to call it Great Britain now) could be so short sighted.  I suspect it wont be long before I can call us the United Kingdom as Scotland will now want independance and who can blame them.

Fortunately being a wrinkly I won't have to suffer long but it is the likes of Emily here (my Granddaughter) who I worry for.  The assertions of the leave campaign were all well and good but there is no guarantee the EU will act as they suggest.  Also the Brexit campaigners are not a government in waiting so all their great talk of enough money to build a hospital a week will come to nothing.  Any money saved will go as it always does to tax breaks for the wealthy who don't need it.

I am sorry Emily that the public should be so short sighted as to reduce your life chances in such a crass way.

DOwn in Sheffield visiting R and family.

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