"Bring me sunshine..."

A very wet morning, and then the sun came out after lunch.

It was too wet to do anything in the garden, so I blew the dust off my bike and set off for West Wemyss. Really enjoyable to be back out there on the bike again.

I broke with the habit of a lifetime and went for coffee and a cake in West Wemyss. That's when I got the Blip.

On the way back, the stresses and strains of the week started to get to me, so I popped into the Harbour Bar for a quick one (as the actress said to the bishop).

2.5 pints later I felt the burden lifted a bit, and set off home. The rain had returned by then, so I was wet outside as well as in.

The extra is the reading material supplied in the gents toilet in the Harbour Bar. A captive audience for the Evil Murdoch Empire.

As an aside, Cameron has disappeared since resigning first thing yesterday. So has everyone else in his government. The chattering classes are wondering if they're in discussion with the generals or just filling their suitcases with cash before a quick trip to the Cayman Islands next week.

Time will tell.    

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