Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Happy Girl

I had to post something happy today, because I am horrified that the UK has voted to leave the EU. That people have been taken in by lies from the Leave side, that they are already reneging on, aren't you Mr. Farage? There will be no £350million for the NHS! My nine year old is upset by the whole thing. She has been reading First News and is fully aware that this could mean less trade and therefore a poorer economy generally, that it will certainly mean less opportunities for her as she grows up. I am more scared by who or what will take over as Prime Minister. You may not have agreed with David Cameron, but the potential alternative (Gove or Boris with Farage hanging around like a bad smell) seems far worse to me!

So this is Carys in her Euro 2016 Belgium nightie sent for her birthday by one of her godmother's. The original one was too small across the shoulders, so C sent it back for O to have. She didn't mind, but was extremely happy when Gillian sent her another the next size up.

We went up to Northampton today and back in time for pick up. Will had his hair cut, C went to Brownies and I met Nicoiseannie for a catch up and a small glass of the white stuff.

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