Tai Chi Sunset

This was how Arvin and I ended our day. No, not doing this but watching a young couple doing Tai Chi as the sun set over Bellingham Bay. It was the perfect ending to a long and mixed day.

The good: Half of a really fine performance of "Anything Goes" at the Bellingham Theater Guild. Dinner out with Helena. Watching "Mr Holmes" on DVD. After taking Helena home, stopping along the bay to watch the sunset. 

The not so good: Taking a walk in the park and realizing that Arvin cannot handle walks anywhere as well as he used to. Having to leave the show at intermission because the loud cheers of the audience were really bothering Arvin. It was the last show of the season and the audience was hugely enthusiastic, a well deserved reaction to the fine show.

Tonight I am tired and ready for sleep. Tomorrow begins another week. Arvin is already snoring beside me as I type this..

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