The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


I picked some flowers from the garden for my desk, because the single rose had shed all its petals overnight. Then I realised that I d have to clear the desk and windowsill to make room for installing a blind.

This was eventually done, with a bit of swearing. It seemed to have been made in a far away country, with substandard Lego fittings. It probably had been.

Put back some of the things, and then realised that I liked the space I had created! A bit more faffing around, and it was time to go to work. ...

Once there, I said to one of my students, who is from an EU accession country, that I had not voted for Brexit. I wanted to imply that I bear no grudge against immigrants, but he shrugged his shoulders and said

" I don't mind. It's your country. You can do what you like. My country will be all right".

To misquote my childhood best friend Esme,
the future looks very sober indeed.

Normal service will resume eventually. I do want to record these conversations and thoughts for posterity, whatever the posterior may bring.

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