Art in hospital

Visited Artfartyannie in Larbert hospital this afternoon.
She is in good spirits despite nearly six weeks there. During the first week she was in an induced coma and the following three weeks in intensive care.
Artyfartyannie has septicaemia, better known as blood poisoning, and she has no idea how she caught it.
Just checked her entry for today and she has blipped the roses I took in. Thanks Anne!

   As for my blip photo today it is of a mural created by Art and Design students in Larbert High School who were asked to create a large mural/wall piece inspired by microscopic images of the human anatomy.

They are looking for feedback from members of the public. While the work is conceptual, striking, thoughtful and colourful sadly nobody looked at it while I was there.
We all had other things on our mind.

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