Saint Luke's University

Yn ôl yr arwydd, dw i'n gweithio nawr ar Saint Luke's University ym Mryste.  Ond dych chi ddim yn credu popeth eich bod chi'n darllen. Maen nhw'n ffilmio rhywbeth yma nawr. Rhywbeth i'w wneud â Doctor Who, dw i'n credu. Yr wythnos diwethaf roedd eira celfyddydol ar y lawnt.  Bydd e diddorol i weld beth maen nhw'n gwneud nesa.

According to the sign, I now work at Saint Luke's University of Bristol. But you can't believe everything that you read. They're filming something here now. Something to do with Doctor Who, I believe. Last week there was artificial snow on the lawn. It will be interesting to see what they do next.

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